First, ana want to ask you guys,
doesn`t this title fix in this blog?
well, never mind...
Today, ana wanna tell you about my mak...
My mak, as you can see....she is 38 years old now for sure...
when she was young,she wanted to be a lawyer but 'cik' doesn`t allow her to do so...
she told me when she was young, there was someone ask mak to be his girlfriend...
???!!! Then, ana ask her whether that man was ayah or someone else...
*It`s someone else...*
Then, mak told me that man is ANUAR ZAIN...
after a moment, I start to burst out wonder that was true...
*it`s just a joke, right?*
*ikut suka hatilah nak caye ke dok....*
then, I look at my father,*she just kidding....ANUAR ZAIN does not study in KUSZAlah....if not, he should be USTAZ not PENYANYI and what sooverlah....
pen off.....
haha,naj cite doh ni!lawok r..grr klu btol,dpt uncle pnyanyi dohlah..hehe.